Lola loves Berlin and fashion fairs.
As we mentioned in the Monday blog-post, we promised you to try to get an update from Gitte and Farhad straight from the Lola Ramona booth at the Panorama Berlin fashion trade fair.
We got it!
With the help from modern day technology we have just received the following photo report from Gitte and Farhad.

"Booth stand no. 5.14. Tuesday January 2017: Everything is good, VERY good, here in Berlin. Our booth being one of the more colorful ones at the trade fair draws quite a lot of attention.
Right from the very beginning of the day we have seen a lot of smiling people stopping by us and have heard them say things like “amusing”, “entertaining” and just plain “cool”.
Reactions like these are always very welcome and make us both proud and happy :)"

(PEGGY, INEZ, RINNA, MARILYN and AVA being cute in pink)

(Black & White. Always elegant. Always very stylish)
“This place is HUGE! It’s Lola’s first time here at Panorama Berlin and we guessed it would be big, but this fair is crazy big.
Big enough for Gitte to get a little lost during a search for lunch.
Luckily Gitte knows her way around places like this, so naturally she soon found her way back to the booth.
She has promised to bring the map next time.”
(PEGGY and STILETTO showing hot yellow dots, and ELSIE in brand new print)
“Hahaha! You got to hear this funny little story… Shortly after we arrived in Berlin, we found out that we had forgotten to bring our back-drop logo for our booth. To our luck we found out in time for us to make a phone call to the Lola office and get our amazing colleagues to send the banner express to Berlin.
The package arrived Tuesday shortly after the fair opened. So while Farhad was busy showing and telling about the products to interested visitors, Gitte had to climb the podiums to get the banner arranged and attached to the wall.
This caused quite some amusement AND a pair of torn stockings. But the job got done and the result looks brilliant :)”
(Farhad working, surrounded by interested visitors at Booth stand no. 5.14)
“So far the fair has been a great success for us. We have had some good talks with quite a lot of hopefully future clients, and we feel confident that this will expand our German market before the end of this season. So we are very happy.
Happy but tired we must add. Being on a fair like this, working long hours, standing, is pretty exhausting.
We will be here until Friday, so we are relaxing in and enjoying any spare time we have. But it sure is exciting too.”
We will leave you to do your work, and wishes you the best next couple of days in Berlin.
To learn more about Panorama Berlin please follow this link.
We will see you Friday for more inside looks of what is happening at the little Lola Ramona office.
Bye for now and take care.
Lots of love
Lola Ramona
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