- Pssssst..! Something BIG is coming up.

- Pssssst..! Something BIG is coming up.

The 1.000 DKK gift card newsletter draw is on, and so is something BIG. Follow us and take part in this!

This Monday's blog-post is nothing but a sweet whisper straight to your ears…

Did you sign up for our Newsletter?
If you did we can promise you that besides the chance of winning a gift card in our big Newsletter-draw on January 27,
we also have something BIG and amazing aaalmost ready for you very soon.

Exactly what it is we just cannot say :)

Lola Ramona Sale

News about this sweet and breathtaking event will be released in our newsletter tomorrow.
So keep an extra good eye on the forthcoming newsletter, or do yourself a big favor and sign up today.

Follow us, be prepared, and find us right here again this Wednesday for more inside updates directly from the busy and exciting world of Lola Ramona.

We hope that Monday has been good to you all, and that we will see you again very soon.
Feel free to leave any questions or comments you may have, right here or under the blog-post on Facebook.

Lots of love
Lola Ramona.

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