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Person oplysninger
Anvendelsesområde og accept:
Hvilke persondata behandles?
Lola Ramona / Nordic Edge APS behandler personoplysninger som er tilknyttet kunder, der anvender vores websider, apps og SOME platform. Vi behandler desuden personoplysninger om personer, som udgør potentielle kunder, og som henvender sig til os via vores sider som LinkedIn, Shopify SpotOn, Traede, Marketing og E-conomic.
Lola Ramona / Nordic Edge ApS som data ansvarlig?
Hvordan indsamles disse personoplysninger
Generelt indsamler Lola Ramona / Nordic Edge APS, person oplysninger direkte fra kunden eller kundeemnet, der køber Lola Ramona / Nordic Edge APS produkter, samt tilmelder sig nyhedsbreve.
Hvilke personoplysninger behandles?
Følgende typer af personoplysninger opsamles af Lola Ramona / Nordic Edge APS:
- Grundlæggende kontaktoplysninger, såsom navn, adresse, telefonnummer og e-mail
- Beskæftigelsesoplysninger, såsom: Titel, position.
- Feedback, kommentarer eller spørgsmål til Lola Ramona / Nordic Edge APS produkter & service.
- Fotos, video eller film der er uploaded på Lola Ramona / Nordic Edge APS SOME platform. Eller film og billeder der er optaget/taget på Lola Ramona / Nordic Edge APS
- Trafikoplysninger som bliver leveret af din webbrowser, eksempelvis browsertype, enhed, sprog og adressen på den hjemmeside, hvor en henvendelse kommer fra, herunder IP-adresse.
- Clickstream-adfærd og aktivitet på Lola Ramona / Nordic Edge APS
- E-mail-adfærd, eksempelvis hvilke e-mails fra Lola Ramona / Nordic Edge APS der åbnes, hvornår og hvordan.
- Alle emails eller anden form for kommunikation med kunden.
- Andre personoplysninger indeholdt i kundens eller kundeemnets profil, der af kunden, eller kundeemnet, frit er afgivet på tredjeparts sociale netværk, eksempelvis LinkedIn etc.
Finansielle oplysninger, kreditkortoplysninger etc. håndteres af kort udbyder, såsom Paypal, Stripe, Izettle og Nets
Deler Lola Ramona / Nordic Edge APS indsamlede oplysninger?
Offentlig myndighed
Kundens ret til at fravælgemarkedsførings kommunikation.
Du har ret til at fravælge modtagelsen af markedsføringskommunikation fra Lola Ramona / Nordic Edge APS, gennem afmelding af nyhedsbrev eller ved skriftlig henvendelse til shop@lolaramona.com
Grundlæggende rettigheder
Datasikkerhed og opbevaring
Ændringer vil ligeledes blive distribueret via mail.
Dateret: 23 Maj. 2018 – Version 1.
GDPR – Personal informations policy.
A new personal data regulation has come into force. This means that companies like Lola Ramona / Nordic Edge APS, which contain personal information, and personally identifiable information, have a number of obligations that we need to live up to. We are responsible for collecting acceptance from single persons as we have this information. In addition, We will make new customers or prospects aware that we collect data.
Scope and acceptance:
What personal data is processed?
Lola Ramona / Nordic Edge APS processes personal information associated with customers who use our web pages, apps and SOME platforms. We also process personal information about people who constitute potential customers, who address us through our sites such as LinkedIn, Shopify, Traede, SpotOn Marketing, and E-conomic.
Lola Ramona / Nordic Edge APS as data responsible:
How is this personal information collected?
In general, Lola Ramona / Nordic Edge APS collects personal information directly from the customer or prospect that purchases products from Lola Ramona / Nordic Edge APS product stores, as well as sign up for newsletters.
What personal data is processed?
The following types of personal datas are collected by Lola Ramona / Nordic Edge APS:• Basic contact information, such as name, address, phone number and e-mail
- Employment information, such as: Title, Position.
- Feedback, Comments or Questions to Lola Ramona / Nordic Edge APS Products & Services.
- Photos, videos or movies uploaded on Lola Ramona / Nordic Edge APS SOME platform. Or movies and pictures taken at Lola Ramona / Nordic Edge APS locations.
- Traffic information provided by your web browser, such as browser type, device, language and the address of the web site from which a request comes from, including IP address.
- Clickstream behavior and activity on Lola Ramona / Nordic Edge APS websites.
- E-mail behavior, such as which e-mails from Lola Ramona / Nordic Edge APS are opened, when and how.
- All emails or other communication with the customer. • Other personal information contained in the customer's or prospects profile, provided by the customer, or the lead, freely on third party social networks, such as LinkedIn, etc.
Financial information, credit card details etc. are handled by card providers, such as Paypal, Stripe, Izettle and Nets.
Do Lola Ramona / Nordic Edge APS share the collected information?
Since Lola Ramona / Nordic Edge APS consist of several platforms, a customer's info can be. shared between these platforms. This is to offer the best possible customer service and is necessary to maintain a complete overview and knowledge of the relationships that each customer has with the individual media. Customer information is only shared between Lola Ramona / Nordic Edge APS own platforms.
Public authority.
The police and other public authorities may require, that personal information be disclosed. In these cases, Lola Ramona / Nordic Edge APS will only disclose this information if there is a court order.
Customer's right to opt out of marketing communications.
You are entitled to opt out of receiving marketing communications from Lola Ramona / Nordic Edge APS, by unsubscribing your newsletter or by writing to: shop@lolaramona.com.
Fundamental rights:
Everyone has the right to access his personal data by submitting a request for an overview of personal data. Everyone also has the right to request Lola Ramona / Nordic Edge APS to correct inaccuracies in personal information. Finally, the customer is also entitled to file a complaint with the Data Inspectorate regarding Lola Ramona / Nordic Edge APS processing of personal information.
Data security and storage:
Lola Ramona / Nordic Edge APS undertakes to avoid unauthorized access, disclosure or other dissimilar processing of personal data. Lola Ramona / Nordic Edge APS seeks to ensure confidentiality about the personal information received in accordance with applicable privacy laws.Lola Ramona / Nordic Edge APS stores personal information, mail etc. for up to 5 years. After that, all information is deleted and the customer will be invited to sign up again if the interest in following the company is still intact.
If Lola Ramona / Nordic Edge APS make any changes to a statement on the protection of personal data, a revised statement will be published with a new version number. Lola Ramona / Nordic Edge APS encourages all users to review the statement regularly. Changes will also be distributed via mail.
Dated: May 23rd. 2018 - Version 1.